I have been visiting west Greenland for the last two years. Most of the Greenland is covered with inland ice and it is a continuous source for icerbergs of different sizes, shapes and colors. Here are some photos from the … Continue reading
Tag Archives: greenland
greenlandic sunset
Greenland is certanly a special place for its amazing landscape, giant icebergs and northern lights. I have been expecting to experience great views on these durin g my stays in Greenland. However, to my suprise, I have also seen some … Continue reading
greenlandic landscapes
Greenland is a special place for its landscapes. The barren arctic land spans across large expanses most of the time without any sign of human precense. That is an unearthly experience.
aurora borealis – northern lights
Northern lights is certainly at the top of the list of the most spectacular wonders of the world. It is an amazing, even transandental show to human eyes. It is caused by the ionized particles by the sun. When these … Continue reading