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Peer-reviewed Publications
* My student
17. Using an in-situ infra-red camera system for sea turtle hatchling emergence monitoring. Oğul FN*, Huber F*, Cihan S, Düzgün K*, Kideyş AE, Özkan K. Acta Herpetologica 14 (1), 43-49 [read online].
16. A European Multi Lake Survey dataset of environmental variables, phytoplankton pigments and cyanotoxinss. Mantzouki E, Campbell J, …, Özkan K...Scientific Data, 5, 180226. 2018 [read online].
15. Temperature effects explain continental scale distribution of cyanobacterial toxins. Mantzouki E, Lürling M, Fastner J, de Senerpont Domis L, …, Özkan K...Toxins, 10 (4), 156. 2018 [read online].
14. Catchment-Sea Interactions in the Black Sea. Özkan K, Yücel M, Özhan. Black Sea Marine Environment: the Turkish Shelf. Sezgin M, Bat L, Ürkmez D, Arıcı E, Öztürk B (eds). p 98-114.TÜDAV. 2017 [read online].
13. Restoration of Eutrophic Lakes with Fluctuating Water Levels: A 20-Year Monitoring Study of Two Inter-Connected Lakes. Beklioğlu M, Bucak T, Coppens J, Bezirci G, Tavşanoğlu ÜN, Çakıroğlu Aİ, Levi EE, Erdoğan Ş, Filiz N, Özkan K and Özen A. Water. 9, 127. 2017 [read online].
12. Deep-Sea Ecosystems of the Mediterranean. Yücel M, Özkan K, Tezcan D. in The Turkish part of the Mediterranean Sea – marine biodversity, fisheries, conservation and governance. Turan C, Salihoğlu B, Özbek EÖ, Öztürk B (eds). TÜDAV. 2016 [read online].
11. Long-term trends and temporal synchrony in lake plankton richness, diversity and biomass driven by re-oligotrophication and climate across 17 Danish Lakes. Özkan K, Jeppsesen E, Bjerring RB, Johansson LS, Davidson TA, Søndergaard M, Lauridsen TL, Svenning JC. Water. 8, 427. 2016 [read online].
10. Factors influencing nitrogen processing in lakes: an experimental approach. Olsen S, Jeppsesen E, Moss B, Özkan K, Beklioglu M, Feuchtmayr H, González Sagrario M, Wei L, Larsen S, Lauridsen TL, Søndergaard M. Freshwater Biology. 60(4), 646–662. 2015 [read online].
9. Cross-taxon congruence in lake plankton largely independent of environmental gradients. Özkan K, Jeppsesen E, Davidson TA, Søndergaard M, Lauridsen TL, Bjerring RB, Johansson LS, Svenning JC. Ecology. 95, 2778-2788. 2014 [read online].
8. Fish determine trophic web architecture and macroinvertebrate assemblage structure in arctic streams of Greenland. Gonzalez-Bergonzoni I, Landkildehus F, Meerhoff M, Lauridsen TL, Özkan K, Davidson TA, Mazzeo N, Jeppsesen E. Freshwater Biology. 59(9), 1830-1842. 2014 [read online]
7. Environmental species sorting dominates forest-bird community assembly across scales. Özkan K, Svenning JC, Jeppsesen E. Journal of Animal Ecology. 82, 266-274. 2013 [read online]
6. Contrasting roles of water chemistry, lake morphology, land-use, climate and spatial processes in driving phytoplankton richness in the Danish landscape. Özkan K, Jeppesen E, Søndergaard M, Lauridsen TL, Liboriussen L, Svenning JC. Hydrobiologia. 710, 173-187. 2013 [read online]
5. Biological lake restoration – recent advances and future challenges. Jeppesen E, Søndergaard M, Lauridsen TL, Davidson TA, Liu Z, Meerhoff M, Mazzeo N, Trochine C, Özkan K, Jensen HS, Trolle D, Landkildehus F, Starling F, Lazzero X, Johansson LS, Bjerring RB, Larsen SE. Advances in Ecological Reasearch. 47, 411-488. 2012 [read online] [pdf]
4. Novel breeding bird records in Turkey and Thrace: Yıldız Mountains breeding bird survey. Özkan K. Sandgrouse, 33, 163-173. 2011 [pdf]
3. Climate change effects on nitrogen loading from cultivated catchments in Europe: implications for nitrogen retention, ecological state of lakes and adaptation. Jeppesen E, Kronvang B, Olesen JE, Audet J, Søndergaard M, Hoffmann CS, Andersen HE, Lauridsen TL, Liboriussen L, Larsen SE, Beklioglu M, Meerhoff M, Özen A, Özkan K. Hydrobiologia, 663, 1-21. 2011 [read online]
2. The response of periphyton and submerged macrophytes to nitrogen and phosphorus loadings in warm lakes: a mesocosm experiment. Özkan K, Jeppesen E, Johansson LS, Beklioglu M. Freshwater Biology, 55, 463-475. 2010 [read online]
1. Archaeological Underwater Surveys of the Cilician Coasts in 2004. Evrin V, Ayaroğlu M, Özkan K, Evrin CT, Bircan K, Bircan M, Zoroğlu L. ANMED, 2005-3. 2005 [pdf]
Reports, Proceedings and Thesis
11. ODTÜ Erdemli Kampusu Sürüngen ve Çift Yaşamlıları – Ekolojik Kampus Rapor Serisi No. 4. Yalçınkaya D, Özkan K. ODTÜ Deniz Bilimleri Enstitüsü. 2019 [pdf]
10. ODTÜ Erdemli Kampusu Memelileri – Ekolojik Kampus Rapor Serisi No. 3. Akpınar D*, Yapan BÇ*, Çoraman E, Boyla KA, Kankılıç T, Gür H, Özkan K. ODTÜ Deniz Bilimleri Enstitüsü. 2019 [pdf]
9. ODTÜ Erdemli Kampusu Üreyen Kuş Atlası –Ekolojik Kampus Rapor Serisi No. 2. Yapan BÇ*, Akpınar D*, Karakuş O*, Özkan K. ODTÜ Deniz Bilimleri Enstitüsü. 2018 [pdf]
8. ODTÜ Erdemli Kampusu ve Komşu Halk Plajlarındaki Hayalet Yengeçlerin Ekolojileri – Ekolojik Kampus Rapor Serisi No. 1. Bal M*, Yapan BÇ*, Özkan K. ODTÜ Deniz Bilimleri Enstitüsü. 2016 [pdf]
7. Ecological drivers of community assembly across taxonomic groups and trophic levels. Özkan K. PhD Thesis. Aarhus University. 2013 [pdf]
6. Diversity and distribution of birds in the Yıldız Mountains. Yıldız Mountains Biosphere Project Report series No. 6. Özkan K. 2010 [read online] [pdf-en] [pdf-tr]
5. Ülkemiz sığ göllerinin ekolojik yapısı, iklim ve insan kullanımı etkileşiminin bütünsel ve hassas yöntemlerle belirlenerek koruma ve iyileştirme stratejilerinin geliştirilmesi. TÜBİTAK project (no:105Y332) final report. Oğuzkurt D, Beklioglu M, Çakıroğlu I, Tavşanoğlu N, Özen A, Özkan K. 2009 [e-mail me for a copy]
4. Role of nitrogen in submerged plant development in mediterranean climatic zone – a mesocosm experiment. Özkan K. MSc. Thesis. Middle East Technical University. 2008 [read online] [pdf]
3. Underwater archeological survey on Cilician coasts: discovering an anchorage site – Aydıncık – Yılanlı Island. Evrin V, Ayaroğlu M, Özkan K, Evrin CT, Bircan K, Bircan M, Zoroğlu L. In Proceedings of the International Conference on The Application of Recent Advances in Underwater Detection and Survey Techniques to Underwater
Archeology, Turkey. 2004. [pdf]
2. Yılanlı Ada Erkut Arcak Batığı. Evrin V, Ayaroğlu M, Özkan K, Evrin CT, Bircan K, Bircan M, Zoroğlu L. In Proceedings of Underwater Science and Technology Meeting, Turkey. 2004. [pdf – tr]
1. Aydıncık (Kelenderis) – Yılanlı Ada Kilikya 2003 sualtı haritalama çalışmaları. Evrin V, Zoroğlu L, Evrin CT, Ayaroğlu M, Özkan K, Bircan K, Bircan M. In Proceedings of 22. International Symposium on Excavation Research and Archeometry, Turkey. 2004. [pdf – tr]
Popular Publications
1. Eymir’in yaban hayatı. Özkan K. ODTÜLÜ. 2015 [pdf – tr]